为实现车载炮弹丸自动化装填,设计了一种自动推弹装置。以输送122 mm口径弹丸为例,建立三维模型并应用ADAMS进行动力学仿真,得到相应的动力学曲线和运动规律。通过对仿真结果与物理样机实测的比较,验证了虚拟样机的建立具有可信度,证明该自动推弹装置在不同射角下均能稳定推弹,弹丸在强制推弹行程内姿态稳定,能够准确地达到强制推弹行程末端速度和卡膛速度,验证了自动推弹装置设计是合理的。自动推弹装置可以保证推弹的可靠性与一致性。
To achieve the shell automatic supplement,a kind of the new automatic rammer is designed. Taking the 122 mm shell transmission as an example, according to the structure of the automatic rammer, the virtual prototype is constructed and simulated in ADAMS software to obtain the corresponding dynamic curves and the motion discipline. By means of the contrast of the result of simulation and the experiment of real prototype,the virtual prototype is reliable,it makes a conelusion that the automatic rammer is stable and reliable at the different shooting angle,the posture of shell is stable in the enforcement ramming distance,it can reach the velocity at the end of enforcement ramming distance and the velocity that hold the shell in the throat, the design of the automatic rammer is reasonable. The automatic rammer can ensure the reliable and consistency when the shell is transmitted.
Journal of Machine Design