The main function of document image binarization algorithm is to extract text from background of im- age. Binarization is a key pre-proeessing of document automatic processing system. Extraction of text from badly de- graded document images is a very challenging task due to bad illumination, bleed though and the high inter/intra- variation between the document background and the foreground text of different document images. The recent algo- rithm which based on the Laplacian energy has achieved a good performance on the degraded document images, but the main drawback of this algorithm is that the thin long and weak strokes in the degraded document images can not he handled properly. In this paper, a modified Laplacian energy is proposed, which is based on the observation that the strokes have the relatively strong response of double edge. The thin long and weak strokes in the degraded document images can be segmented properly via the combination of the Laplacian with the double edge response of the image in- tensity. The experiments on the DIBC02013 dataset show the superior performance of our proposed method on the ex- traction of the thin long and weak strokes, compared with other techniques.
Computer Simulation