
碳纳米管/硅橡胶复合材料导热性能的实验研究 被引量:7

Experimental Study of the Thermal Conductivity of MWNTs/Silicone Rubber Composite Materials
摘要 通过改变交联剂与催化剂加入量,研究二者对硅橡胶的交联密度(XLD)以及热导率的影响,并在确定最大热导率所对应的加入量之后,研究碳纳米管填入量对硅胶复合材料热导率的影响。实验表明:硅橡胶的热导率与交联密度有一定对应关系,且随交联剂和催化剂加入量的增多,硅橡胶的热导率和交联密度呈先上升后下降的趋势,当二者加入质量份数为3.6和0.9时,硅橡胶热导率达到最大值;MWNTs(多壁碳纳米管)填入量对硅胶基体热导率影响很大,且与MWNTs的尺寸有一定关系,MWNTs在硅胶基体中的团聚现象对热导率起负作用,但整体上热导率随MWNTs填充量的增加而增大。 The influence of the crosslinking agent and the catalyst on the thermal conductivity of the silicone rubber were studied by changing the amount of them.After determining the amount of the additives that make the sili-cone rubber′s thermal conductivity maximum,the experiments about the impact of carbon nanotubes′amount on sili-cone rubber composites′thermal conductivity have been done.Research showed that there is a corresponding relation-ship between the thermal conductivity of the silicone rubber and the crosslinking density.With the growth of the amount of crosslinking agent and catalyst,the thermal conductivity and crosslink density increased firstly and then de-creased,and both of them reached a maximum when the amount of the crosslinking agent and the catalyst are 3.6 and 0.9 respectively.The amount of MWNTs has a great influence on the thermal conductivity of the matrix.The aggrega-tion of MWNTs made a negative affection on the thermal conductivity,however it increased with the amount of MWNTs.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第16期44-47,共4页 Materials Reports
基金 国家自然科学基金(51276091)
关键词 热导率 交联密度 碳纳米管 硅橡胶 thermal conductivity crosslinking density carbon nanotubes silicone rubber
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