
故障树领域本体及SWRL规则的构建方法研究 被引量:9

Construction Method for Fault Tree Domain Ontology Supporting SWRL Rules
摘要 故障树(Fault Tree,FT)被广泛应用于系统故障的快速定位,但其因缺乏精确的语义信息而存在重复构建问题。将本体引入到故障树领域中,并对如何构建故障树本体及相应的SWRL规则进行了研究:首先采用本体描述语言(Web Ontology Language,OWL)对故障树中的概念及概念之间的关系进行知识表示,构建了一个可共享、可重用、可扩展的故障树领域本体;然后将故障树中事件之间的逻辑关系转化成语义Web规则语言(Semantic Web Rule Language,SWRL);最后将构建的故障树领域本体和SWRL规则放入JESS推理机中进行推理,产生新的知识,用于系统故障的快速定位。实验证明,使用所提出的方法能在解决故障树重复构建问题的同时,不对系统故障的快速定位产生影响。 Fault tree (FT) has been widely applied in rapid location of system faults. However, lacking of accurate semantic information makes it hard to avoid the problem of duplicate construction. This paper introduced ontology into fault tree domain and studied how to construct a FT domain ontology and SWRL. First, it proposed a method of knowledge representation of FT with Web ontology language OWL and constructed a FT domain ontology which is shareable, reusable and extensihle. Second, it transformed the logical relationship among events of FT into semantic Web rule language(SWRL). Finally, it put these SWRL rules and the FT ontology into an inference engine JESS. Then new knowledge is produced and it is exploited for the rapid location of system faults. The causes of events can be rapidly and efficiently located in FT. The experiment proves the correctness and effectiveness of proposed method. It can resolve the problem of duplicate construction of FT without any influence on the rapid location of system faults.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期198-202,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61100034 61170043) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(CXZZ11_0218)资助
关键词 本体 故障树 SWRL 推理 Ontology, Fault tree, SWRL, Inference
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