
具有可信计算架构的安全操作系统实现方法 被引量:3

Secure Operating System Realization Method with Trusted Computing Architecture
摘要 为解决嵌入式系统设备的安全性问题,在操作系统内核一级建立信息安全体系,提出一种安全可信操作系统的实现方法。在Linux基础上实现非对称加密认证、地址隐藏、安全存储、进程可信认证等关键技术,从而构造出可信计算架构,使得操作系统内核可从行为安全方面对系统驱动、应用程序等进程提供可信认证,阻止认证失败的进程在系统上运行。实验结果证明了可信计算架构的正确性,并能实现对嵌入式系统设备的安全保护。 To solve the security problem of the embedded system equipment,this paper establishes information security system at the operating system kernel level, and proposes the implementation of a secure operating system. The key technology of the trusted computing architecture about asymmetric encryption and authentication, address hidden and safety storage, trusted authentication for process is realized and joined to the original Linux Operating System (OS) , and the secure OS with the trusted computing architecture is formed. The secure OS can provide the behavior of certification for the process to ensure that the whole information system security. Experimental result proves that the correctness and applicability of trusted computing architecture, and the architecture can provide the security of the embedded system equipment.
作者 刘智臣
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期164-167,共4页 Computer Engineering
关键词 可信计算 非对称加密认证 地址隐藏 安全存储 可信认证 trusted computing asymmetric encryption authentication address hidden safety storage trusted authentication
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