
同伴支架和互动模式:英语口语自主学习的个案研究 被引量:2

Peer Scaffoldings and Interaction Patterns: A Case Study of Self-directed Oral English Learning
摘要 本研究基于社会文化理论,探究学生自主学习环境下的同伴支架和互动模式。在某大学的一个英语社团,观察学生完成英语口语对话任务时,同伴之间如何提供支架和进行互动。结果显示:学生自主学习英语口语中使用最频繁的是有意性、适时回应性、情感参与、赞扬和鼓励等四种同伴支架行为;学生互动中呈现强/弱组合、专家/新手、协作三种互动模式;从学生日记和访谈分析看,学生此次口语学习收益很多,但也表示接触了不地道英语。 Based on the Sociocultural Theories, the present thesis aimed to observe and investigate peer scaffoldings and patterns of interaction during the process of self - directed English learning. The results are 1 ) Four peer scaffoldings are most frequently used during the self - directed oral English learning: intentionality, contingent responsivity, affective involvement, praise/encouragement. 2) Three patterns of interaction are displayed in students' different pairs of dialogues : dominant/passive, expert/novice, collaborative. 3) The results of student' learning diaries and interviews reveal that the four subjects have benefited a lot from peer interaction, although they are worried much about incorrect language produced by their peers.
作者 李玲
机构地区 广西民族大学
出处 《湖南广播电视大学学报》 2015年第3期92-96,共5页 Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University
基金 广西民族大学研究生田野调查立项资助项目(gxun-dc201333)
关键词 社会文化理论 英语口语 同伴支架 互动模式 sociocuhural theory oral English peer scaffolding interaction patterns
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