重庆市于2010年3月1日起实施《点燃式发动机在用汽车稳态工况法排气污染物排放限值》(DB 50/344—2010),通过与其他省市对比、重庆市机动车保有量构成、不同车辆质量达标情况等方面,对实施DB 50/344—2010标准5年来合理性进行了评估。评估结果表明:DB 50/344—2010在制定时是合理的;DB 50/344—2010中对点燃式发动机汽车排气污染物限值I、II车辆生产时间的划分已不适应重庆市现有在用汽油车保有量的情况,有修订的必要;到2014年上半年,检测车辆各基准质量点燃式发动机轻型汽车限值I车辆达标合格率在70.0%~82.8%,限值II的车辆达标合格率在82.2%~93.4%,重型车限值I车辆达标合格率为70.4%,重型车限值II车辆达标合格率为77.2%。各基准质量轻型车排气污染物限值I基本合理,限值II宽松,可适当修订;重型车,限值I、限值II基本合理,可以不予修订。
Limits for Exhaust Pollutants from in-use Vehicle Equipped with Ignition Engine under Steady-state Loaded Mode (DB 50/344- 2010) came into effect in Chongqing since March 1, 2010. An assessment of the five years' implementation of the standard is carried out in this paper by comparing with other provinces, and analyzing the composition of automobile ownership and standard reaching status for various vehicles. The results showed that standard DB 50/344-2010 was feasible when it was developed, while it is necessary to be revised as the classification of vehicle producing period for exhaust pollutants limits I and II no longer fits the present status of motor vehicle ownership in Chongqing. By the first half of 2014, for light-duty motor vehicle with ignition engine, the standard passing rate of limit I and II are 70.0% ~ 82.8% and 82.2% - 93.4% respectively. For heavy-duty motor vehicle, the passing rate of limit I and II are 70.4% and 77.2% respectively. As for the light-duty vehicle, exhaust pollutants of limit I is basically feasible, while limit II is loose, and could be revised accordingly. Correspondingly, limit I and II for heavy-duty vehicle could stay out of amendment as they are basically feasible.
Environmental Impact Assessment
gasoline vehicle
steady-state loaded mode
emission limit