
三支中国国家级救援队在尼泊尔地震医学救援中的作用及模式探讨 被引量:5

Investigation on different medical relief models in three Chinese national relief teams during aftermath of Nepal earthquake
摘要 目的通过尼泊尔地震医学救援实例,探讨地震救援中不同等次救援队的医疗救治模式。方法结合联合国对城市搜救队和世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)对外国医疗队(foreign medical team,FMT)的能力分类及救援重点,对三支中国国家级救援队在尼泊尔地震医学救援中发挥的作用及其模式进行回顾性分析。结果中国国际救援队为联合国重型城市搜救队,以早期到达灾区同步实施搜索、营救、医疗为一体的救援模式为特点,并于废墟下搜救出2名幸存者。中国政府医疗队和中国红十字国际救援队以医疗救助为中心,前者达到WHO 2型FMT水平,为院内创伤救治模式,在13天内开展创伤手术284台;后者达到WHO 1型FMT水平,为门诊创伤救治模式,平均日门诊量194人次。结论医疗救援贯穿救援始终,创伤救治是医疗救援的重点,不同等次的救援队在地震救援中起到的作用及运作模式不同,三支国家级救援队的医疗救援模式适应了地震救援不同阶段的需求。 Objective To investigate models of medical assistant team after Nepal earthquake. Methods Combined with the ability grade and work emphasis of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team and Foreign Medical Teams (FMTs), retrospectively analyzed the medical assistant models of three Chinese national relief teams during aftermath of Nepal earthquake. Results China International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) is a heavy USAR team of United Nation, which was deployed in search, rescue and medical relief at the same time as quickly as possible. CISAR relieved two survivors under collapsed building after Nepal earthquake, the on-site first aid model is the character of its medical work. Chinese Government Medical Team and The Red Cross Society of China International Rescue Team are deployed to Nepal for medical aid. Chinese Government Medical Team finished 284 traumatic operations in 13 days, which followed the in-patient traumatic therapy model, has the same ability with type 2 FMTs of World Health Organization. The Red Cross Society of China International Rescue Team followed the outpatient traumatic therapy model, which has the ability of type 1 FMTs, and its daily outpatient is 194 cases. Conclusions Medical relief work runs through whole rescue stages, and traumatic therapy is the emphasis. The function and work model of different types of relief teams have its special characters, and they are adapted to the requirement in difference stages of earthquake rescue.
出处 《中华灾害救援医学》 2015年第9期486-489,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disaster Medicine
基金 武警总医院二类基金(WZ20130205)
关键词 地震 医学救援 城市搜救队 外国医疗队 earthquake medical relief urban search and rescue team foreign medical team
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