航空校飞是中法海洋卫星(Chinese-French Oceanic SATellite,CFOSAT)散射计发射前需要完成的一项重要实验内容,它可以检验星载散射计的各项功能和性能,获取有效数据,是保障散射计在轨正常工作的重要环节。在本次校飞实验中,利用了回波模拟器对散射计进行地面系统测试及定标验证,探索了一种利用回波模拟器对星载散射计进行系统测试定标的方法。运用该方法对CFOSAT星载散射计进行全系统地面测试以及定标实验。回波模拟器提供给散射计标准的、已知的回波信号,散射计处理该信号后,获取系统参数并得到定标常数。校飞的实验结果验证回波模拟器对星载散射计地面测试和定标方法的可行性和准确性。
A flight experiment is an important experimental step that needs to be conducted in the prelaunch for Chinese-French Oceanic SATellite (CFOSAT). Functionally,performance and data validation of space- borne scatterometer should be verified to ensure in-orbit work status. In this flight experiment,return sig- nal simulator is used to conduct ground-based system testing and calibration for CFOSAT,which proposes a method to use return signal simulator for spaceborne scatterometer system calibration. This method is helpful to ground-based calibration experiments for CFOSAT. Return signal simulator could provide a known echo signal. The results in flight experiments verify the feasibility and accuracy by return signal simulator to conduct the ground-based calibration for spaceborne scatterometer.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application