
电网电压不平衡时PWM变流器负序电流控制策略研究 被引量:4

Research on Negative Current Control Strategy of Three-phase PWM Converter under Unbalance Grid Voltage
摘要 本文以三相PWM变流器为研究对象,分析了电网电压不平衡时PWM变流器的数学模型,提出了一种电网电压不平衡时PWM变流器负序电流的新型控制策略。该策略通过新型锁相环技术实现电网电压的同步和正、负序分量的检测,通过负序电流的闭环控制抑制PWM变流器的入网电流中的负序成分。最后通过仿真验证了本文提出方法的正确性和合理性。 In this paper, it analyzes the mathematical model of three-phase PWM converter under unbalanced grid voltage. Basing on the mathematical model, a novel negative sequence current control strategy of three-phase voltage source PWM converter under unbalance grid is proposed. The novel strategy uses a novel PLL technique to detect the positive and negative sequence of unbalance grid. Negative current closed-loop control strategy is used in the novel strategy to decrease the negative component in the grid current. Finally, the simulation verified the correctness and rationality of the proposed method.
出处 《电气技术》 2015年第8期19-24,共6页 Electrical Engineering
关键词 三相PWM变流器 电网电压不平衡 负序电流 新型锁相环 three-phase PWM converter unbalanced grid voltage negative sequence current a novel PLL technique
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