
加拿大图书出版政策的新变化 被引量:2

The New Changes of the Canadian Book Publishing Policies
摘要 近年来,为了推动加拿大本国图书出版产业的发展,加拿大政府采取了一系列颠覆传统的新举措,不再借助严格限制外商投资的现有政策保护和扶持加拿大本国图书出版产业,而是以一种更为开放和灵活的态度接纳外商投资,放宽现有政策为外商投资加拿大图书出版业设定的高标准要求。本文通过简介加拿大现有图书出版政策及其近期发展动态,比较两者之间的异同,归纳加拿大图书出版政策的新变化,探讨新政策变化的原因及其对加拿大图书出版业产生的影响。 Canada' s book publishing policies traditionally focused on the Canadian-owned sector as the principal vehicle for producing Canadian content. In particular, they set out a lot of conditions for foreign investors who consider investing in the Canadian book industry to favor Canadian control of book businesses. In recent years, the government of Canada has adopted a number of new measures which is different from the conventional book publishing policies to promote the development of the domestic book publishing industry. Typically, without any changes being made to the Revised Foreign Investment Policy in Book Publishing and Distribution, the Heritage Minister and the Department of Canadian Heritage, which is responsible for administering and enforcing the Investment Canada Act in the cultural sector, have authorized investments that would appear to fall short of the said Policy. The new developments suggest that there is more openness by the government of canada to encourage foreign investments. This paper begins with brief introductions to the Canadian existing book publishing programs, regulations and policies. Then it analyzes recent decisions allowing book publishing investments, and compares the similarities and differences between them and the existing policies, and summarizes the new changes of the Canadian book publishing policies. Finally, it outlines the causes of these changes and their impacts on the Canadian book publishing industry.
作者 王清 唐伶俐
出处 《出版科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期14-19,共6页 Publishing Journal
关键词 加拿大 图书出版 政策 新变化 Canada Book publishing Policy New changes
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