Objective To investigate the effect of dexrnedetomidine on intraoperative hemody- namics during transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary adenoma. Methods A total numbers of 60 pa- tients from August to November 2013, who were admitted into Peking Union Medical College Hospi- tal for elective trans-sphenoidal resection of pituitary adenoma, were retrospectively chosen for com- parison. Among them, twenty-four patients were infused with dexmedetomidine 0.5μg · kg^-1 · h^-1 during the operation, with the other thirty-six patients were without dexmedetomidine infusion as the control. Either the maximal or the minimal data of SBP, DBP and HR during the preoperative, in trao- perative and postoperative periods were recorded. Besides, changes of WBC, Hb, Plt and body tempera- ture were recorded, together with does of hypnotics and narcotics during surgery, duration of surgery and anesthesia, length of stay in PACU and hospital. Results intraoperative SBPmax and PACU SB- Pmax, SBPmin, HRmax were significantly lower in Dex group compare to control group (P〈0. 05). For non-function pituitary adenoma patients, intraoperative SBPmax and PACU SBPmax, SBPmin, DBPmax, DBPmin, HRmax were significantly lower in Dex group compare to control group (P〈 0. 05). For Cushing syndrome or Growth hormone secretory pituitary adenoma patients, dexmedeto- midine had no effect on intraoperative hemodynamies during transsphenoidal resection. No significance were found in Dex group compare to control group on WBC, Hh, Plt and body temperature were re- corded, together with dose of hypnotics and narcotics during surgery, duration of surgery and anes- thesia, length of stay in PACU and hospital. Conclusion Dexmedetomidine infusion (0. 5 μg· kg^-1 · h^-1) could stabilize the intraoperative hemodynamics for non-function pituitary adenoma patients.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology