
低温胁迫下粳稻近等基因系形态性状与糙米功能成分间的关联性 被引量:2

Functional Components in Brown Rice Associated with Morphological Traits Near-isogenic Lines for Japanica under Different Cold Stress
摘要 以粳稻近等基因系(十和田4//丽江新团黑谷/十和田)BC4F7群体105个家系及亲本为材料,在自然低温和冷水胁迫下进行形态性状与糙米γ-氨基丁酸、抗性淀粉、总黄酮和生物碱间关联分析。结果表明,白邑冷水胁迫下该群体8个形态性状的平均值及其变异系数与昆明自然低温下相近,但主穗实粒数、秕粒数和结实率3个耐冷指标性状的平均值及其变异系数差异较大。自然低温下有29对形态性状呈显著或极显著相关(0.209*^-0.992**),而冷水胁迫下仅有23对达到显著或极显著相关(0.228*^-0.895**),2种鉴定所得孕穗期耐冷性结果呈极显著正相关。糙米总黄酮和生物碱在该群体家系间变异较大。相关和回归分析表明,株高、穗颈长、穗下节长、实粒数和结实率对总黄酮作用较大,而秕粒数和结实率对生物碱影响明显。 The correlation analysis between γ-aminobutyric acid( GABA),total flavones,alkaloid,resistant starch( RS) and morphological traits was conducted by using a set of 105 near-isogenic lines( NIL) population( BC4F7) derived from the‘Lijiangxintuanheigu'( donaor parent) and Towada( recurrent parent) under nature low temperature and cold water irrigation. The results showed that the mean and coefficient of eight traits for BC4F7 population under Baiyi's cold water stress were similar to that of Kunming's nature low temperature,but they had greater difference for three index traits for cold tolerance( full grains,blighted grains and seed setting rate per spike) between two stress conditions; Twenty-nine pairs( 0. 209*-- 0. 992**) of morphological traits had significant correlation under nature low temperature,but only 23 pairs of cold water stress conditions( 0. 228*-- 0. 895**),the results of cold tolerance at booting stage( CTBS) evaluated between two ecological conditions had positive correlation. Both total flavones and alkaloid in brown rice for NIL were significant variations.The correlation and regression analysis showed that five cold tolerance index traits including plant height,peduncle length,length of the node under panicle,filled grain number per panicle and seed setting rate were influenced on total flavones. However,alkaloid was affected by unfilled grain number per panicle and seed setting rate.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期1444-1449,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 云南省农业生物技术重点实验室开放项目(2014001) 云南省技术创新人才培养项目(2011CI059和2012HB050) 云南省科技惠民计划项目(2014RA060)
关键词 近等基因系 总黄酮 生物碱 孕穗期耐冷性 粳稻 Near-isogenic lines Total flavones Alkaloid Cold tolerance at booting stage Japonica
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