N-6甲基腺苷(m6A)是目前已知的100余种RNA甲基化修饰中最普遍存在的一种。随着特异结合免疫沉淀新一代测序方法(Me RIP-SEQ)的应用以及三类影响RNAm6A的蛋白质(甲基转移酶类、脱甲基酶类和甲基结合蛋白类)的发现,逐渐认识到m6A是一种动态的可逆性修饰,并可在体内发挥重要的生物学作用。目前的研究表明,m6A的甲基转移酶、脱甲基酶和甲基结合蛋白通过对甲基的"书写"、"擦除"、"读取",在配子发生、生殖腺发育、胚胎发育和受精卵中某些m RNA程式性衰退等过程中发挥作用。这种可逆的RNA甲基化修饰为生殖医学中配子发生的基因表达后调控提供了新的研究角度。
N6-methyl-adenosine (m6A),one of the most common modifications of more than 100 methylation on RNA molecules, plays an important biological role. With the application of the m 6A RNA immunoprecipitation approach followed by high-throughput sequencing (MeRIP-SEQ) and the discovery of three kinds of proteins, methyltransferase,demethylase and m6A-binding proteins, the m6A was identified to be a kind of dynamic and reversible modification of RNA methylation. The m6A plays its roles just via the"writing", "erasering"and "reading" methyl of RNA by the above three kinds of proteins. To our knowledge,m6A regulates many biological procedures, such as gametogenesis,gonadal development, embryo development, as well as RNA metabolism. This reversible RNA methylation is a post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, especially in the gametogenesis, which is a new research field in reproductive medicine.
Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning