目的:通过图像引导放射治疗(IGRT)加速器机载锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)实时观察膈肌与上腹部器官及肿瘤运动过程中位置的变化,揭示二者运动的内在变化规律,提高肿瘤放疗质控的效率。方法:对10例上腹部肿瘤病例整个治疗过程的全程跟踪及相关临床数据收集、分析、总结,得到了肿瘤患者膈肌与上腹部器官及肿瘤运动过程中位置的变化范围。结果:在患者保持平静呼吸而且在定位、扫描及治疗过程中体位相同的状态下,患者靶区与膈肌的相对移动基本一致。结论:患者靶区与膈肌的相对移动的确定,能够进一步提高肿瘤实际治疗的过程中质控的效率,为上腹部肿瘤精确治疗质控提供新的方法。
Objective:Through the IGRT accelerator airborne CBCT(Cone Beam CT)real - time observation of diaphragm and the abdominal organs and tumor location in the process of movement of change,reveals the movement of the internal change rule,improve the efficiency of tumor radiotherapy quality control. Methods:Based on 10 cases abdominal tumor on the whole treatment process all - the - way to track and related clinical data. Got cancer patients on the diaphragm and the abdominal organs and tumor location in the process of movement range. Results:In patients with quiet breathing and body position in the process of localization,scan and the treatment of the same state,the pa-tients with the diaphragmatic muscle relative movement of target were basically identical. Conclusion:Patients with target and the determination of the relative movement diaphragm,can improve the efficiency of the actual treatment in the process of quality control,offers a new method for abdominal tumor precise treatment of the quality control.
Journal of Modern Oncology
precise radiotherapy
organ motion
planning target volume