
自发特质推理的神经基础——基于“镜像系统-心理化系统”模型的解析 被引量:1

The Neuroscience Bases of the Spontaneous Trait Inferences:A Model Structured by Mirror and Mentalizing Systems
摘要 自发特质推理是一种无需意识努力即可从他人行为描述自动推论其人格特质的社会认知过程;它与心理理论及内隐加工均存在紧密联系。本文从Van Overwalle"镜像系统-心理化系统"的社会脑模型出发,围绕二者在行为知觉编码及特质表征下的功能特性,及其与语义记忆系统和中枢控制系统的协作联系,分析了自发特质推理的认知过程及其神经基础。 The spontaneous trait inference refers to an automatic social cognitive processing which infers others' traits from behavior de- scriptions without specific purpose or under any awareness. It has intimate relationship with the mind of theory(ToM) and preconscious automaticity. This research reviewed the neuroscience bases of the spontaneous trait inferences based on the Mirror - Mentalizing System model suggested by Van Overwalle et al. (2009). The roles of Mirror and Mentalizing Systems in behavior coding and trait representa- tion were discussed, and their associations with the sematic memory network and center control system were also analyzed.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期393-399,共7页 Psychological Exploration
基金 国家自然科学基金(31400900)项目资助
关键词 自发特质推理与有意特质推理 心理化系统 镜像系统 spontaneous and intentional trait inference( STI & ITI) Mentalizing System Mirror System
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