

A study on the Safety of Food Supply Chain Based on EPC Tags in Encoding Project
摘要 对于食品供应链的全面把握有利于把握食品的安全,而食品追溯标签编码方案就是对食品供应链的最好掌握方式。但是在食品追溯标签编码方案中需要明确编码的具体对象,需要进行编码的除了最终呈现在消费者面前的食品外,还需要对于中间的半成品以及原材料进行编码,只有这样才能保证食品追溯标签编码方案的全面与合理。 For a comprehensive grasp of the food supply chain to help grasp food safety, and food traceability label coding scheme is to grasp the food supply chain best way. But in the food traceability label encoding scheme need to be clearly coded specific objects to be encoded in addition to the final show in front of consumers of food, but also the need for intermediate semi-finished products and raw materials for encoding, the only way to ensure food traceability label coding scheme comprehensive and reasonable.
作者 范兴昌 唐静
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2015年第8期66-67,共2页 Logistics Engineering and Management
基金 基于课题<基于EPC编码技术的河北省食品安全追溯应用研究>调研课题(课题批准号:201501724)的研究成果
关键词 EPC标签 食品供应链 追溯 编码方案 EPC tag the food supply chain traceability coding scheme
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