
国内外开放数据政策研究现状分析及我国研究动向研判 被引量:76

Status Analysis and Comparison of Research Achievements on Open Data Policy and an Estimation of the Research Trends in China
摘要 基于CNKI中国学术文献总库以及Web of Science、Emerald和ELSEVIER(Science Direct)三大外文数据库,对国内外现有开放数据政策的研究成果进行主题分析与比较研究。在此基础上探讨国内外相关研究的特点:目前国内的相关研究基本处于介绍国外先进政策实例的阶段,国外的研究对开放数据过程中涉及的公民基本权利的保障与维护的探讨已经有了一定数量的积累,国内外对开放数据政策框架和体系的研究主要以美国和英国的政策实践为主。结合相关领域的学术研究与实践进展,我国在开放数据政策这一跨学科研究主题未来可能出现六大研究动向:专业领域开放数据政策研究,鼓励数据处理与分析工具开发的政策研究,针对不同种类数据开放政策的研究,相关利益主体基本权利保护的政策研究,国家层面开放数据政策的需求与规范化研究,开放数据政策与数据安全政策的协同研究。参考文献35。 The relevant conferences about open data and big data were hosted frequently in recent years, and the day of international open data was set up to support and encourage governments to implement open data policy.China has already accelerated its steps in research and practices.This paper proceeds the literature retrieval based on the databases of CNKI and three foreign database including Web of Science、Emerald and ELSEVIER(SD). The keywords includes "open data"、"data opening" and "policy" etc. It aims to precede the subject analysis and comparative study on the current research achievements of open data policy home and abroad.The main research issues include open data policy framework, open scientific data policy, open data policy in specific fields, political research of protecting the fundamental rights of citizens in the process of opening data via the content analysis method and etc. This article explores the characteristics of related research at home and abroad and the deficiency of existing study in China. The authors estimate six potential research trends in open data policy research: open data policy in a professional field, policy of encouraging the development of data processing and analysis tools, open policy of different kinds of data,policy to protect the fundamental rights of related stakeholders, the demand of open data policy at the national level and standardization research, and the cooperation of open data policy and data security policy.The main research methods of this paper include content analysis and comparison. The results of literature retrieval are inducted and summarized via content analysis and the research values of relevant literature are analyzed and explored. The authors compare and analyze the same research issues of open data policy home and abroad in order to probe the common ground and difference and then to predict the research tendency.The research conclusions points out that the diversity of type of open data policy should be paid attention to during the research course of open data policy. From the projects such as "My Data" in England and "Open Your Body Data", we can see that besides government data, public data and scientific data, which are emphasized in the most of researches, business data and personal data have enormous open potential in the mean time. In addition, the research results also emphasized that the future research should notice the coordination between open data policy and data security policy for data opening and protection is the two interweave strands of power. Only when contradiction of data opening and security is handled timely, a nationwide effective configuration for information resources can be realized in China.The paper systematically studies the characteristics of relevant research on open data policy home and abroad, and the deficiencies of researches in China through comparative analysis of different research issues so as to provide some reference for the future study and practice in China. 35 refs.
作者 马海群 蒲攀
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期76-86,共11页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"开放数据与数据安全的政策协同研究"(编号:15ATQ008) 黑龙江大学研究生创新科研项目"大数据环境下我国开放数据政策模型构建研究"(编号:YJSCX2015-066HLJU)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 开放数据 开放获取 数据安全 数据保护 政策研究 Open data.Open access.Data security.Data protection.Policy research
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