目的评价3种不同药物治疗子宫内膜异位症的疗效和成本。方法子宫内膜异位症术后患者共131例,分为3组,A组42例,皮下注射达菲林;B组46例,口服孕三烯酮;C组43例,口服丹那唑。比较3组患者成本-效果比和不良反应的差异。结果 A、B、C三方案成本分别为12699元、2337.24元、1896.6元,总有效率分别为95.24%、93.48%、88.37%。成本-效果比分别为133.43、25.00、22.03。A组不良反应发生率较低。结论 3种治疗方案,C方案成本-效果比最低,显示C方案最经济有效。A方案较少引起阴道异常出血和体重增加的不良反应。
OBJECTIVE Evaluation of the efficacy and cost for three different drugs in the treatment of endo-metriosis.METHODS Endometriosis postoperative patients with a total of 131 cases,divided into three groups.A group of 42 cases was given,subcutaneous injection of Diphereline;46 cases in group B were given,oral gestrinone;43 cases in group C was given,oral danazol.The difference of cost effectiveness ratio and adverse reaction between the three groups of patients were compared.RESULTS Project cost in three groups was 12699 yuan, 2337.24 yuan,1896.6 yuan respectived,The effective rate was 95.24%,93.48%,88.37% respectivery.The cost-effective-ness ratios were 133.43、25、22.03 respectively.CONCLUSION In three kinds of treatment scheme, C scheme with the lowest cost-effective ratio,is most economic and effective.Less adverse reaction of abnormal vaginal bleeding and weight gain was caused by A scheme.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal