

A Study on Stance Markers of Chinese EFL Learners with Different Proficiency in Oral Discourse under Test Situation
摘要 以立场标记语的相关研究为理论框架,考察测试环境下中国不同水平英语学习者话语立场标记语的使用情况,并与英语本族语者进行比较。研究结果显示:在测试条件下中国学习者话语中认知、态度、风格三大类话语立场标记语的使用频数依次递减,其中,中国学习者的态度类立场标记语的使用与英语本族语者有显著差异;不同水平学习者之间的差异表现在认知类中言据类立场、态度类中情感立场以及风格类立场标记语的运用方面。研究结论认为:中国学习者的立场标记语多使用词块表达,高水平学习者三类立场标记语的运用更接近本族语者并且更倾向使用学术性的书面语来展示自身话语的客观性。 This paper examines how the Chinese EFL learners with different proficiency contrast their native English- speaking counterparts in using stance markers in oral discourse under test situation. It is found that the frequencies of epistemic, attitudinal, and stylistic stance markers used by the Chinese EFL learners are in descending order and the Chinese EFL learners show significant difference in use of attitudinal stance markers, compared with native speakers. Besides, there are differences between the advanced and the intermediate EFL learners in terms of using evident, ef- fective and stylistic stance markers. It concludes that the stance markers in oral discourse of the Chinese EFL learn- ers are frequently in the form of chunks and the advanced Chinese EFL learners are much more like the native Eng- lish speakers in using stance markers of three types, and also, the advanced Chinese EFL learners are more likely to demonstrate the objectivity in their oral discourse using more academic written forms.
机构地区 扬州职业大学
出处 《扬州教育学院学报》 2015年第2期27-31,37,共6页 Journal of Yangzhou College of Education
基金 江苏省现代教育技术研究立项课题(2012-R-22298) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金指导项目(2012SJD740055)阶段性成果
关键词 立场标记语 认知 态度 风格 不同水平 英语学习者 stance markers cognition attitude style different language proficiency Chinese EFL learners
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