
人神合一的圣洁之作——黄汛舫的编钟与乐队《天壇》 被引量:2

Review on Huang Xunfang's Set of China Bells with Orchestra Temple of Heaven
摘要 编钟与乐队《天壇》由武汉音乐学院作曲系黄汛舫教授创作。该作品是为曾侯乙编钟、卢森堡小交响乐团以及东方室内乐团联合音乐会而作,其使用40枚一套的编钟与木管、铜管、打击乐器、钢琴与弦乐器组成的小型且非常规的乐队。乐曲的灵感源自曾侯乙编钟的文化启示,题材源自对先民敬神祭天仪式的遐想,也体现出中国道教与基督教文化的融合。作品借助编钟的特殊音质以及管弦乐队音响等因素,进行融合配置,以精美恢弘的构架,试图营造一个回归圣洁、敬畏天道、人神合一的音乐氛围,仿佛是祖先崇尚至大、至圣的见证。 Set of China Bells with orchestra Temple of Heaven composed by Professor Huang Xunfang from Composition Department, Wuhan Conservatory of Music. This work composed for the concert performance by set of China Bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng, Luxembourg Sinforietta, and Orient Chamber Orchestra, which include a set of 40 China bells with woodwinds, brasses, percussions, piano and strings composed of small and unconventional band. The creative inspiration of music came from the cultural implications of China Bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng, while the themes from the reverie of ancestors' ceremony to heaven worship, which also reflected the integration of the culture between Chinese Taoism and West Christian. In virtue of the individual acoustics of China bells and orchestra and other factors, with exquisite and magnificent structure, the work created a music atmosphere of returning to holiness, revering to Heaven, unity of the people and God, as if the witness of ancestors advocating the huge and the most holy.
作者 田可文
出处 《黄钟(武汉音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期34-42,共9页 Huangzhong:Journal of Wuhan Conservatory of Music
关键词 编钟与乐队《天壇》 黄汛舫 曾侯乙编钟、敬神祭天仪式 人神合一 中国道教文化 基督教文化 set of China Bells with orchestra Temple of Heaven, Huang Xunfang (1954 - ), set of China Bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng, ceremony of heaven worship, unity of the people and God, Chinese Taoist culture, Christian culture
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