目的研究mi R-497在抑制宫颈癌侵袭迁移中的作用。方法将不同浓度梯度的吉西他滨作用于C33a细胞,MTT法检测细胞存活率计算IC50;给予宫颈癌细胞半数致死剂量的吉西他滨,Transwell及Wound Healing Assay检测吉西他滨对宫颈癌细胞侵袭迁移能力的影响。分别给予C33a细胞3.15mg/L及6.3mg/L的吉西他滨后,q RT-PCR检测mi R-497变化及Western blot检测已知mi R-497下游蛋白的变化。将mi R-497 mimic转入C33a细胞后,Transwell及Wound Healing Assay检测mi R-497对宫颈癌细胞侵袭迁移能力的影响。在给予C33a细胞吉西他滨的同时加入anti-mi R-497,即在mi R-497被抑制的情况下Western blot检测mi R-497下游与侵袭迁移相关的靶蛋白的变化,Transwell及Wound Healing Assay检测宫颈癌细胞侵袭迁移能力。结果吉西他滨可以有效地抑制宫颈癌细胞的侵袭迁移;吉西他滨促进宫颈癌细胞中mi R-497的表达;mi R-497可以抑制宫颈癌细胞的侵袭迁移;在mi R-49被阻遏的情况下,吉西他滨不能有效地抑制宫颈癌细胞的侵袭迁移。结论吉西他滨通过上调mi R-497的表达抑制宫颈癌细胞的侵袭迁移。
Objective To explore the role of mi R-497 in Gemcitabine caused dampened metastasis of cervical cancer. Methods IC50 values of Gemcitabine in C33 a was tested by MTT; After treated by Gemcitabine, the invasion and migration of C33 a were studied by Transwell and Wound Healing Assay. The mi R-497 levels was detected by q RT-PCR after C33 a was treated by Gemcitabine. When transfected by mi R-497 mimic, the invasion and migration of C33 A were studied by Transwell and Wound Healing Assay. Similarly, when treated by Gemcitabine and anti-mi R-497 simultaneously, the invasion and migration of C33 a were also studied by Transwell and Wound Healing Assay. Results Gemcitabine could inhibit the invasion and migration of C33a; mi R-497 was upregulated by Gemcitabine in C33a; mi R-497 could inhibit the invasion and migration of C33a; When mi R-497 could not be upregulated by Gemcitabine, the effects of Gemcitabine on invasion and migration of C33 a would be dampened. Conclusion Up-regulation of mi R-497 by Gemcitabine contributes to dampened metastasis of uterine cervical neoplasms.
Anatomy Research