为了探究CPIV3 JS2013分离株的致病性,本试验采用豚鼠研究该病毒在动物体内的复制及机体组织病理损伤等情况。结果表明,攻毒后2 d攻毒组的豚鼠开始出现临床症状。RT-PCR检测攻毒后第3-7天出现病毒血症,攻毒后第3-14天均可以从肺组织中检测到病毒。剖检观察攻毒组豚鼠,豚鼠肺出现实变、淤血、肿大,病理组织学检测发现攻毒组豚鼠肺组织出现肺泡间隔增宽、肺泡融合、炎性细胞浸润等变化。HI试验表明豚鼠感染后第5天开始出现血凝抑制抗体,之后持续升高至21 d仍保持较高的水平。
For further exploring about the pathogenic of CPIV3 strain JS2013, the guinea pigs as PIV3 susceptible animals were infected with the virus isolate to study on the virus replication and pathological injury in the experimental animal tissues. The noted clinical symptoms were sneezing, eye secretion and dyspnea in the infected guinea pigs at 2 days post-infection (PI). The virus replicated in the blood of the infected animals and could be positively detected from 3 days PI and kept for 7 days PI. Macroscopic appearances of the lungs from infected guinea pigs were almost complete consolidation and swelling. The histopathologic examinations showed that alveoli septa thickening, disappearance of alveolar architecture and inflammatory cell infiltration were seen in the lungs of the diseased. The infected guinea pigs produced the special HI antibod- ies against CPIV3 in 5 days PI.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine