As the basic units in the pragmatic translation, part of the translation of personal names andplaces can be found in the dictionaries or on the internet. These translations follow certain rules and containsome methods and strategies which can be further applied in a part of the translation of personal names andplaces that are not recorded. And in certain special contexts, the connotations and indications in those namesshould also be revealed in its English version according to views of aesthetics and pragmatic equivalence.
Journal of Jincheng Institute of Technology
translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence translation of personal names and places transliteration translation aesthetics pragmatic equivalence