某航空用长筒类铝合金铸件,轮廓尺寸为900 mm×270 mm×230 mm,最薄壁厚6 mm,最厚部位95 mm×90mm×40 mm局部热节两处,铸件重25 kg,材质为ZL250A。要求100%进行X射线及荧光检测。首批试生产的工艺发现圆筒顶部存在气孔,厚大热节出现缩松,芯头结构设计以及内浇口位置设置不合理等问题。经分析原因,改进工艺再次试生产,解决了以上问题,现已投入批量生产,取得了良好的技术经济效果,
A type of long-barreled aviation aluminum alloy casting with outline dimensions of 900 mm×270 mm×230 mm. the thinnest wall thickness of 6 ram, the thickest section part of 95 minx90 minx40 mm, casting weight 25 kg, material ZL250A. It requires 100% X-ray and fluorescence detection. The first pre-production process discovered the existence of porcs at the top of the cylinder, shrinkage in heavy hot knots, and irrational core head design and gating location setting. After analysis of the reasons, improving process, pilot production again show that the above problems were solved, and mass production achieved good technical and economic benefit.
Foundry Technology