Regional insurance is the base of insurance industry development. Unbalanced development of regional insurance is unfavorable for the dispersion of operating risks of micro insurance, the promotion of international competitiveness of the whole insurance industry, and the sustainable development of regional economy. By means of Panel Co-integration Test, the Difference of Life Insurance Consumption between ethnic regions and other areas of China is worked out in this article with the sample data from 2002 to 2011, and the forming mechanism and its trend of difference in life insurance consumption are revealed. The analysis shows that 1) life insurance consumption in Eastern, central and ethnic region is positively correlated with the disposable income per capita; 2) it is negatively correlated with interest rate in Eastern region, but positively correlated with it in central and ethnic regions; 3) it is positively correlated with inflation in the Eastern region, but negatively correlated with it in central and ethnic regions; 4) it is positively correlated with total dependency ratio in the Eastern region but , negatively correlated with it in central and ethnic regions; and 5) it is negatively correlated with education in the Eastern region, but positively correlated with it in central and ethnic regions. This paper argues that in the background of the current national income double plan and interest rate liberalization, insurance consumption will gradually be incorporated into the life of people and the decision-making of enterprise production. Under the guidance of the national Western development strategy, economy and finance in ethnic regions and Midwest region will develop rapidly, and insurance consumption ability of residents and enterprises will be enhanced. As a result, unbalanced development of regional insurance will be improved and the coordinated development of regional economy in our country will be promoted.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
regional life insurance consumption
unbalanced development of insurance
panel cointegration analysis