This paper based on the seismic design codes in China,Japan and the United States, establishes a research model which is typical multi- frame of buckling restrained brace, the main research parameters of the model are horizontal force sharing ratio of BRB(β) and the first floor shear-weight ratio of BRB(CB).Analyzing layer response value and the performance requirement of BRB through elastic-plastic time-history analysis can compare steel frame seismic design methods of China, Japan and the U.S..The research results are as follows:(1)Story-drift angle response value(R) of the layers in each model is less than 0.75% when the model is in frequent earthquake,R is less than 1.0% when the model is in moderate earthquake and R is less than 1.5% when the model is in rare earthquake, buckling restrained braced steel frame structure has a strong vibration reducing performance.(2)The distribution forms of maximum story- shear response value and design story shear calculated through push- over analysis of China,Japan and the U.S.when the building is in frequent earthquake show no obvious difference.When the model is in fortification intensity earthquake and rare earthquake, the calculated shear value of the CJ model whose β is 30% in Japanese specification Ai distribution form can be more accurately evaluating shear distribution form in strong earthquake.The distribution forms of each story shear calculated by China and the U.S. norms and story shear in strong earthquake are close.In the US model whose β is 80%,the distribution forms of maximum story-shear seismic response value and the each story shear calculated by China,Japan and the U.S. norms show no obvious difference below 4layers,but seismic response value is much larger than the story shear value calculated by static analysis above 4 layers.
Bulletin of Science and Technology
steel frame structure,horizontal force sharing ratio of brb(β)
code for seismic design of buildings
elastic-plastic time-history analysis