目的:观察自拟方天甲通痹散治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床疗效。方法:以祛邪通络为治则,运用天甲通痹散基本方、Ⅰ号方、Ⅱ号方治疗类风湿性关节炎48例。并按照中医辨证分型,风寒湿证、肝肾亏虚证用Ⅰ号方,风湿热证用Ⅱ号方,痰湿阻闭证用基本方,3次/d,5 g/次,冲服。3个月为1个疗程,连续服用2个疗程评定疗效。结果:治愈15例,好转28例,未愈5例,总有效率89.58%。结论:天甲通痹散祛邪通络,消肿止痛,有明显的抗炎和促进免疫功能作用,治疗类风湿性关节炎疗效满意。
Objective :To observe the curative effect of self- made prescription Tianjia Tongbi Powder in treatment of rheuma- toid arthritis (RA) in clinic. Methods : Under the treatment principle of dispelling pathogen and removing obstruction in collater- als, Tianjia Tongbi Powder basic prescription, No. I prescription and No.Ⅱ prescription were used to treat 48 cases of rheuma- toid arthritis (RA). And according to traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, No. I prescription was used to treat the patients with wind - cold - dampness or deficiency syndrome of both liver and kidney and No. Ⅱ prescription to treat the pa- tients with wind - dampness - heat. Basic prescription was used to treat the patients with phlegm - damp blocking syndrome, 3 times/day,5 g/time,taking the medicine with water. 3 months was one course. Two courses later, we evaluated the effects. Re- sults : 15 cases were completely recovery. 28 cases took a favorable turn. 5 cases were not recovery. The total effective rate was 89. 58%. Conclusion : Tianjia Tongbi Powder dispels pathogen and removes obstruction in collaterals and reduce swelling and alle- viate pain and has obvious effects on anti - inflammatory and promoting immune function. The curative effects of treating rheuma- toid arthritis (RA) is very good.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
dispelling pathogen and removing obstruction in collaterals
Tianjia Tongbi Powder