针对传统混合堆具有系统复杂、乏燃料处理困难等特点,介绍了一种新型的聚变-裂变混合堆次临界能源包层的结构,提出了该包层的有限元模型的建模方法。利用ANSYS Workbench软件建立了次临界能源包层的三维接触模型。对该新型的混合堆次临界包层在静载荷、热负载荷与流体载荷同时作用下的接触应力进行了仿真计算,得到了次临界能源包层各个零件的接触应力和变形的分布。结果表明各零件的接触应力和变形都在许用范围内。接触应力分析的结果对该包层的设计与改进具有一定的指导意义。
An improved novel structure of confinement fusion fission hybrid reactor system was proposed according to the traditional mixing pile has the characteristics of system complex, spent fuel handling difficult. Finite element model was established. A 3-D finite element meshing model is established with ANSYS Workbench. Contact stress analysis of the new subcritical energy blanket for fusion fission hybrid reactor was proposed under combined action of the dead weight, thermal load and fluid load. Contact stress and deformation of each part was obtained. The results show that the contact stress and deformation of each part was in the allowable range. The results can be used to the design and improvement of the blanket.