

The Paradigm Shifts of “I think” to “I am”:A Case Study of Heidegger
摘要 笛卡尔的"我思故我在"奠定了近代哲学的认识论转向,后世众多哲学家如康德、胡塞尔在这种范式的影响下建构哲学体系。然而,这种范式在奠立伊始即埋下了主客对立、认识与实在难以统一的鸿沟,后世哲学家对这一鸿沟始终难以有效弥合。海德格尔通过对"此在"的生存论分析,显明了"存在"所具有的根本意义,在此基础上重新整合"思在"关系,实现了对"我思"范式困境的破解。这一思维方式的前提变革,推动了认识论哲学走向现当代更广阔的生存实践哲学。 Descartes' viewpoint “I think therefore I am” laid the epistemological turn of modern phi-losophy. Under the influence of Descartes' paradigm,many great philosophers such as Kant and Husserl constructed the philosophy theory later. However,the paradigm of “I think” buried the gap which is diffi-cult to unify the subject and object,understanding and real. Heidegger,through the analysis of the survival theory of “being-there”,demonstrated the paradigm shifts from “I think” to “I am”. This transformation re-veals the fundamental significance of the “existence”,and promotes the epistemology philosophy to the more extensive living practice philosophy of contemporary era.
作者 刘兴盛
出处 《石家庄学院学报》 2015年第5期28-33,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University
关键词 “我思” “我在” 认识论范式 转换 生存实践 "I think" epistemological paradigm "I am" conversion survival practice
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