铸铁能吸油、减振、且抗拉强度较高,因此成为机械制造中不可缺少的钢铁材料之一。本文采用EZNi Cu电弧冷焊工艺焊接HT250,通过光学显微镜观察接头的组织,获取EZNi Cu电弧冷焊HT250的较佳工艺,为铸造企业和相关焊补灰铸铁提供最佳冷焊工艺,提高生产效率。
Cast iron can absorb oil and reduce vibration and has strong tensile strength. Therefore, it is one of the most indispensable basic iron and steel materials in the mechanical manufacturing. This paper welds HT250 by EZNiCu arc cold welding process, watches joint organization and does some mechanical testing by optical microscopy to obtain the optimum and relevant gray cast iron to provide the best arc cold welding process, thereby, improving the production efficiency.
Value Engineering