使用电化学聚合法在碳糊电极(CPE)的表面制备了血红蛋白分子印迹聚合物膜,并对其制备条件进行了优化。结果表明,电聚合过程中扫描速度为0.05 V/s、聚合圈数为5、单体浓度为0.5 mol/L、交联剂浓度为0.10 g/m L时制备的修饰电极在循环伏安法铁化氰钾中的还原峰电流最弱,说明修饰电极的负载量达到最大。
Hemoglobin molecularly imprinted polymer membranes on the surface of carbon paste electrode(BHb/MIP-CPE) was prepared by electrochemical polymerization, and the preparation conditions were optimized. The results showed that the electro-chemical polymerization of scan rates of 0.05 V/s, cycles for 5 times, the concentration of monomer(AM) for 0.5 mol/L and the concentration of cross linking agent(MBA) for 0.01 g/m L were optimization for reduction peak current of the modified electrode in 5.0 m M K3Fe(CN)6of cyclic voltammograms, which indicated the modified electrode capacity reached the highest.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences