
金沙江干热河谷人工林地表的蚂蚁群落 被引量:8

Communities of Ground-Dwelling Ants in Different Plantation Forests in Arid-Hot Valleys of Jinsha River,Yunnan Province,China
摘要 【目的】比较金沙江干热河谷地区7种人丁林地表蚂蚁群落的物种组成及多度和多样性,揭示各种人工林生物多样性状况及其对当地生物多样性保护的意义,为云南干热河谷地区的植被恢复和生物多样性保护提供参考。【方法】在云南省元谋县荒漠化生态系统定位观测站的桉树林、膏桐林、膏桐-新银合欢林、印楝林、印楝-大叶相思林、印楝-苏门答腊金合欢林以及印楝-新银合欢林7种人工林中设置调查样地,分别于2011年4月(旱季)和8月(雨季)运用陷阱法对各样地地表蚂蚁群落进行抽样调查。在样地内设置1条200m长的样带,每隔10m布设1个口径80mm、高150mm的陷阱,共20个;以50mL50%的丙三醇作为陷阱溶液,陷阱放置5天后取出其内的蚂蚁,用95%酒精保存。每类型样地设2~3个重复样带。【结果】1)物种组成:金沙江干热河谷人工林地表蚂蚁群落由5亚科17属36种组成,切叶蚁亚科属种最丰富,有6属18种;蚁亚科次之,有5属10种;臭蚁亚科有4属6种;猛蚁亚科和盲蚁亚科仅1属1种。铺道蚁属种类最丰富,有6种;其次是小家蚁属,有4种。旱季(4月)采集到地表蚂蚁2127头18种,个体数量最多的分别是黑头酸臭蚁和中华小家蚁;雨季(8月)采集到地表蚂蚁1874头25种,个体数量最多的分别是扁平虹臭蚁和克氏铺道蚁。金沙江干热河谷人工林旱季地表蚂蚁群落组成和雨季不同,雨季蚂蚁群落表现出其物种组成与植被性质趋于一致的特点。2)多度和多样性:7种人工林中,印楝林蚂蚁多度最大,无论在旱季还是雨季,都显著大于桉树林和印楝-合欢林;印楝-大叶相思林蚂蚁多样性最高,桉树林蚂蚁多样性最低。在旱季,所有人工林地表蚂蚁多样性之间无显著差异;在雨季,印楝-大叶相思林地表蚂蚁多样性显著高于其他6种人丁林。7种人工林之间地表蚂蚁群落相似性较低,6多样性较高。【结论】在金沙江干热河谷元谋段,印楝-大叶相思林具有较高的蚂蚁多样性,对当地生物多样性保护具有积极意义,营造印楝-大叶相思林是很好的植被恢复模式;其余6种人工林具有不太相似的蚂蚁物种组成,对提高区域生物多样性具有积极作用。 [ Objective ] Because of the fragile ecological environment in arid-hot valleys of Jinsha River, Yunnan Province, China, the region has been the hot spots of vegetation restoration for which plantation is the main model. To reveal the diversity status of these plantations, and the potential role in biodiversity protection, the ground-dwelling ant community was studied in 7 different plantations in Jinsha River arid-hot valleys, by comparing the difference of grounddwelling ant community in terms of species composition and diversity. It would be reference for revegetation and biodiversity protection in the arid-hot valleys. [ Method ] The experimental sites were in the Desert Ecosystem Observation Station of the State Forestry Administration in Yuanmou County. The sampled plots were set in the following tree plantations : Eucalyptus spp. ; Jatropha carcas ; Jatropha carcas + Leucaena leucocephala ; Azadirachta indica ; Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis; Azadirachta indica + Acacia glauca and Azadirachta indica + Leucaena leucocephala. Investigation of ground-dwelling ant community was carried out by pitfall trappings in all 7 plantations in April (dry season) and August (wet season) , 2011,respectively. At each plot, two-three 200 m transects were established for ant collection. The 20 pitfall traps with 50ml 50% glycerol were set along each transect at 10 m intervals at ground level. Pitfall traps were made from plastic containers, 8 cm diameter and 15 cm deep, covered by a stone plate to protect the trap from rain. Traps were set for 5 days. The contents of each transect were placed separately in plastic bottles and deposited in 95% alcohol. [ Results] The resultswere as follows: 1 ) Ant community composition: 4001 ant individuals were collected, representing 36 species in 17 genera and 5 subfamilies. The collected Myrmicinae subfamily had the most abundant genus and species, with 18 species in 6 genera, followed by Formicinae with 10 species in 5 genera, then Dolichoderinae with 6 species in 4 genera, and the last groups were Ponerinae and Aenictinae, each only with 1 sepcies and 1 genus. The genus of Tetramorium had the most abundant species with 6 species, followed by genus Monomorium with 4 species. There were 2 127 ant individuals representing 18 species captured in dry season (i. e. in April), among which, Tapinoma melanocephalum and Monomorium chinensis were the most abundant. In wet season (i. e. in August) , there were 1 874 ant individuals were captured, among which, Iridmyrmex anceps and Tetramorium cuneinode were the most abundant. There was significant difference of ground-dwelling ant community species composition between dry season and wet season. The ant community in wet season could indicate that the species composition accorded to the features of the vegetations. 2) Ant abundance and diversity: among 7 plantations, the ant abundance in Azadirachta indica plantation was highest regardless the season, and was significantly higher than that in Eucalyptus spp. plantation and Azadirachta indica + Leucaena leucocephala or Acacia glauca plantation. The ant species richness in Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation was the highest among all plantations, and ant species richness was lowest in Eucalyptus spp. plantation. There was no significant difference in species richness among the plantations in dry season. However, in wet season, the ant species richness in Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation was significantly higher than that of other 6 plantations. There was low similarity of ant community composition among all selected plantations, which suggested higher 13 diversity. [ Conclusion ] The results indicated that Azadirachta indica + Acacia auriculiformis plantation has positive role in local biodiversity protection, and should be selected as a good model in restoration. The other 6 plantations also have certain role in increasing the biodiversity in regional level, owing to their different ant species composition.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期134-142,共9页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目(31160131) 云南省重点学科野生动植物保护与利用项目
关键词 蚁科 生物多样性 物种组成 生物指示 人工林 Formicidae biodiversity species composition bio-indication plantations
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