云南鲁甸"8·03"地震导致牛栏江红石岩水电站下游600 m处山体滑坡堵江,形成最大库容达2.6亿m3的堰塞湖,对下游天花板、黄角树两座水电站及下游3万余人造成极大威胁,需采取及时有效的应急处置措施。本文基于无量纲堆积体指标法判断堰塞湖溃决的可能性,总结该堰塞湖应急处置措施,并对不同开挖方案泄流槽的泄流能力及运用DB-IWHR程序的溃坝洪水对比分析,结果表明:实际采用的开挖深8 m、宽5 m泄流槽方案是最恰当的应急处置工程措施。此研究成果可供处理类似堰塞湖参考。
Hongshiyan landslide dam which formed on landslide at 600 m downstream of Hongshiyan Hydro- power Station caused by"8-03" Ludian Yunnan earthquake blocked the Niulan river. It has a storage capaci- ty of 260 million m3. The downstream hydropower stations (Tianhuaban and Huangjiaoshu) and 30, 000 res- idents face the risk of overtopping if the landslide dam breaks. Taking timely and effective emergency mea- sures is essential. This paper analyzes the dam break possibility based on Dimensionless Blockage Index and summarizes the emergency disposal measures. It studys on choosing discharge chute excavation pro- grams of emergency disposal by analyzing discharge capacity and using DB-IWHR program to analyze con- trastively dam break flood. It is considered that excavating discharge chute of depth which is 8 m deep and 5 m wide is the most appropriate engineering measures. This finding may be consulted in other emergency migigation works for landslide dams.
Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research