
可持续发展从行动走向科学——《2015世界可持续发展年度报告》 被引量:9

World Sustainable Development: From Action to Science——Sustainability Science and the Annual Report for World Sustainable Development 2015
摘要 《2015世界可持续发展年度报告》是在中科院可持续发展战略研究组多年的研究积累中,应用系统学的理论与方法,针对联合国开放工作组提出的目标组合,进行了独立的评议,并在以下6方面取得了积极的成果:(1)整体推出了"可持续发展科学"(Sustainability Science)的中国学派和对于可持续发展科学体系的完整阐述;(2)应用独立提出的可持续发展拉格朗日点理论,以实现可持续发展"三大平衡"(自然平衡、经济平衡、社会平衡)所需的时间作为依据,在世界上首次定量计算出主要国家实现可持续目标的时间表;(3)针对"联合国可持续发展开放工作组"的目标设计中"不分国别、不考虑发展阶段、无选择性排序、不明确共同而有区别责任"等缺失,重新对全球五大类国家,提出了各自更加科学的目标组合;(4)坚持可持续发展研究的"系统学方向",应用拟定的指标体系,首次定量计算出全球192个国家(地区)的可持续发展能力;(5)应用独立创设的可持续发展能力"资产负债表",测算了世界各国的"可持续发展净资产";(6)对世界2015年后发展议程可能遭遇的全新挑战,进行了比较全面的梳理。文章将对世界可持续发展"从认识走向理论"、"从号召走向落实"、"从行动走向科学",迈出更加坚实的步伐。 The year 2015 has been called"the year of sustainable development", and the"Post-2015 UN Development Agenda"is its core mission. Two years prior, the UN specially mandated the"UNGA Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals"to protocol the"Post-2015 UN Development Agenda". As early as 2012, to commemorate the 20 th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development concerns, A team of Chinese Academy of Sciences called"Research Group of Sustainable Development"began planning to compile and publish the first report of"Theoretical Model"on sustainable development in the world. Through the joint efforts of the team, the report was completed as-scheduled. This paper gives a detailed introduction of the report. The"Annual Report for World Sustainable Development 2015"was completed based on several years of research on sustainable development at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, applying the systematic theory and its methods, and focusing on both global and regional challenges. In the report, the positive results were achieved in the following six aspects.(1)The report introduced a comprehensive sustainability system, used the"Sustainability Science"of Chinese Schools, and gave a complete interpretation.(2)Using original theory, namely"Lagrange Point of Sustainability",a novel and quantitative timetable was provided for countries in the world to achieve sustainable development. The authors emphasized that the time calculation for achieving the goal of sustainable development is to apply Sustainability Science in which it depends the"three balances of sustainability": the Nature Balance(the equilibriums between human activities and nature bearing capacity),the Economical Balance(the equilibrium between environment and development), and the Social Balance(the equilibrium between efficiency and fairness).(3)The"Annual Report for World Sustainable Development 2015"lends its own opinions on the UNGA Open Working Group's Sustainable Development Goals(17 goals and 169 sub-goals). As detailed in our report, we assert that the UNGA goals are remiss in their negligence of the diversity that world nations, stages of development, priority selectivity, and other relevant factors affected sustainable development. In our report, all participating countries are categorized into five groups: developed countries, emerging-economy countries, developing countries, least-developed countries, or small island countries. Based on this categorization, we proposed a more targeted, practical, and ordered combination of goals for different countries which will be helpful in the discussion regarding the"Post-2015 UN Development Agenda".(4)For the first time, by studying sustainable development according to systematic theory, an independent scientific index set was developed, and internationally recognized data was applied to quantitatively calculate the sustainable development capability of 192 countries(regions)in the whole world.(5)The report details a balance sheet which measures different countries' levels of sustainability(called the sustainability Assets-Liabilities table). Based on the balance sheet, each country's strengths and weaknesses are plotted on a radar map, and this map can be used as a reference to select the priority order of goals for each nation. 6. The report projects important challenges that may be faced for the sustainable development after 2015.The Annual Report for World Sustainable Development 2015 also applies"Sustainability Science"for the explanation of post-development agenda.
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2015年第5期573-585,共13页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 可持续发展能力 系统学解析 资产-负债分析 比较优势 sustainability science Post-2015 Development Agenda sustainable development
  • 相关文献


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