
中国中小企业“走出去”的驱动因素——基于689家企业调查数据的实证分析 被引量:6

Driving Factors of China's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises “Going Global”——Empirical Research on Survey Data of 689 Enterprises
摘要 本文在梳理国内外中小企业国际化发展理论的基础上,结合中国实际构建了中小企业"走出去"驱动因素的量化分析模型,利用课题组调查的689家中小企业的数据进行实证研究。研究结果表明,内在驱动因素即企业特质及以此形成的战略目标是中小企业"走出去"的关键;外在驱动因素即国内经营环境和扶持政策方面,中小企业只有在国内市场得到一定程度的发展,才有能力利用优惠政策实现"走出去"的战略目标。另外,目前中小企业层面存在国际化战略目标不明确,规模小、主营业务市场占有率低,"走出去"后竞争力和抵御风险能力弱等内在驱动不足的问题;政府层面存在金融市场建设滞后、扶持政策不到位、市场准入歧视和低效的服务效率等外在驱动不足的问题。最后,本文针对存在的问题提出了促进中小企业成功国际化发展的对策建议。 Based on the internationalization theory of small and medium enterprises( SMEs) and domestic situations, this paper builds an empirical model of “going global” of SMEs.Through analyzing the survey data of 689 SMEs, the results show that internal driving forces are key factors of“going global”;only SMEs have a certain degree of development in domestic market, which could cultivate the ability to use external driving forces to realize the internationalization strategy.Meanwhile,some problems were found by analyzing the status quo and the results of empirical research,such as no clear internationalization strategy, little fraction in main business market share, domestic financial market construction backward,poor policy service efficiency,and market access discrimination.Therefore,some SMEs are weak in competition and lack of capacity to cope with global market risks.Finally,some suggestions are putting forward to promote SMEs to successfully“go global”.
作者 张亮 李亚军
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期105-113,共9页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"抓住和利用好本世纪第二个十年我国发展重要战略机遇期的若干重大问题研究--面向未来的我国大国经济发展战略"(11&ZD002)
关键词 中小企业 “走出去” 企业特质 战略目标 国际化 扶持政策 enterprise's characteristics strategic objective internationalization supporting policy
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