

Analysis of Doctorate Dissertations in the Frontiers of Science and Technology
摘要 文章以能源资源与环境、先进制造与新材料、信息技术3个科技领域的前沿技术为例,对"十一五"、"十二五"期间的科技前沿领域的博士学位论文进行探究。研究发现,"十一五"、"十二五"期间的科技前沿领域学位论文数量整体呈现先增后减趋势;中科院研究生院在3个前沿领域的博士学位论文数量都是最多,且远远超出数量第二多的院校;博士生对科技前沿领域与国家科技需求的关注度很高;在某一学科有专长的高校对高新技术前沿领域的关注度大于一般的综合类高校;CNKI博士学位论文库对能源资源环境领域前沿技术论文的收录率约为50%,收录情况不好,但在被CNKI博士论文库收录的前沿领域博士学位论文被引率为78.03%,被引利用情况较好。 The paper looks into the doctorate dissertations published during the llth and 12th Five-Year Plan concerning the frontiers of science and technology, especially the field of Resources and Environment, Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, and Information Technology. It is found that the number of the relevant doctorate dissertations first increased and then decreased during the llth and 12th Five-Year Plan. GUCAS (the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)published more than all the universities. Doctoral students are concerned about the frontiers of science and technology and demands for technological advancement. Usually the university outstanding in a certain specialist subject pays more attention to these than other comprehensive universities. A further study reveals that in the doctoral databases of CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), the inclusion ratio of doctorate dissertations on Resources and Environment is only 50% while the dissertations included are used effectively with a 78.03%citation rate.
作者 李雨轩
出处 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期34-40,共7页 Library & Information
基金 国家社科基金特别委托项目"国家社科基金项目成果学术影响力评估"(项目编号:14@ZH051)研究成果之一
关键词 博士学位论文 科技前沿 文献计量 Ph.D. thesis sci-techfront bibliometrics
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