
天祝县高寒牧区羔羊杂交生产和出栏时间研究 被引量:2

The Study on Crossbreeding Production and Marketing Time of Lamb in Alpine Region of Tianzhu County
摘要 为了探讨天祝县高寒牧区优质羔羊生产的杂交模式和出栏时间,以特克塞尔×甘肃高山细毛羊杂种一代、无角陶赛特×甘肃高山细毛羊杂种一代、白萨福克×甘肃高山细毛羊杂种一代(分别简称特甘细、陶甘细、白萨甘细)和甘肃高山细毛羊纯繁羊只(简称甘高细)作为试验对象,观测4个组合羊只的周岁前体重(初生重、断奶重、6月龄重和周岁重)及断奶、6月龄和周岁时的屠宰性能。结果表明,特甘细的周岁前体重、全期平均日增重和哺乳期平均日增重均最大。羔羊的日增重在断奶前后差异很大,在哺乳期,特甘细、陶甘细、白萨甘细和甘高细的平均日增重分别为218.29g、180.17g、187.62g和156.59g,断奶后的平均日增重分别为25.16g、32.34g、29.18g和30.87g;在断奶、6月龄和周岁3个时期,特甘细的胴体重和屠宰率均高于其余3个群体。比较不同时期屠宰率和胴体重的结果发现,3个屠宰时期中羔羊的断奶屠宰率最高。6月龄时(断奶后70d),特甘细、陶甘细、白萨甘细和甘高细的胴体重分别仅比断奶胴体重增加了0.33kg、0.36kg、0.19kg和0.09kg;周岁时(断奶后255d),上述群体的胴体重分别仅比断奶胴体重增加了1.08kg、1.68kg、1.69kg和1.75kg。因此,断奶后70d(6月龄)和255d(周岁)的饲养期内,羔羊的产肉量增加十分有限,是对草场和人力资源的无效损耗。在天祝县高寒牧区的生态环境条件下,特克塞尔是甘肃高山细毛羊肉用性能杂交改良的最优父本,断奶时期(110d)是羔羊的最佳出栏时间。 To explore crossbreeding model and marketing time of lamb in alpine region of Tianzhu county, they were used to studied who are F1 hybrid of Texel ×Gansu fine-wool sheep (TG), Poll Dorset ×Gansu fine-wool sheep (PG) ,White Suf- folk×Gansu fine-wool sheep (WG) and pure breeding of Gansu fine-wool sheep (GG), and their some weights (birth weight, weaning weight, six-month weight and yearling weight) and slaughter performance of weaning, six-month and yearling were measured. The results indicated that, TG's weights of several times, average daily gain (ADG) during the all stage and ADG during the suckling period are the heaviest in all the studied population. A very different result in ADG was observed between Pre-weaning and post-weaning. During the suckling period, ADG of TG, PG, WG and GG were respectively 218.29 g, 180.17 g, 187.62 g and 156.59 g, while during post-weaning period, their ADG were respectively 25.16 g, 32.34 g, 29.18 g and 30. 87 g. TG's carcass weight and dressing percentage of TG were higher than other'three groups during the period of weaning, six-month and yearling. In addition, the dressing percentage in weaning period was higher than other periods. Carcass weight of TG, PG, WG and GG in the six-month old (70 d after weaning) increased only by 0.33 kg, 0.36 kg, 0.19 kg and 0.09 kg than that in the weaning period, and their carcass weight during yearling period increased only by 1.08 kg, 1.68 kg, 1.69 kg and 1.75 kg than that in the weaning period. In conclusion, in the period of after weaning 70 d (6 months) and 255 d (years old), the meat of the lamb increasing is very limited, so it is invalid loss of pasture and human resources. Texel is the optimum paternal for crossbreeding and improve the meat performance of Gansu Alpine Merino and the weaning period (the 110 day from birth) is the best marketing time in the al- pine region ecological environment.
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2015年第5期11-15,共5页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
基金 甘肃省农业科技创新项目(1003001) 国际科技合作与交流项目(2011DFG33310)
关键词 高寒牧区 断奶出栏 杂交改良 特甘细 生长结果 屠宰性能 alpine region weaning marketing crossbreeding and improvement F1 hybrid of Texel × Gansu Alpine Merino growth results slaughter performance
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