总结现有光纤镀层技术,文中提出了影响镀层均匀性的关键因素为光纤化学镀时胶体钯的配置和解胶时间的长短。改进光纤化学镀的同时针对现有镀金属光纤与基体焊接技术的局限性,着重研究了光纤与基体直接电镀连接的光纤电镀技术。对光纤与基体直接连接电镀技术进行了对比研究,选取气道作为电镀效果的评价指标。分析电镀后光纤与基体之间形成的气道发现,电镀条件电镀电压3 V、镀层时间10 min时取得的电镀效果最好。为达到电镀光纤的实际传感应用,针对电镀所得的基体镀锌光栅搭建温度标定实验平台。分析实验数据得:基体镀锌光栅可以实现高线性度、高灵敏度的温度测量,其温度敏感系数为36.3 pm/℃,是裸光栅的3.7倍。该研究的基本出发点为电镀光纤的实际应用,温度敏感性实验数据证实了本研究对于实现电镀光纤的工业化发展具有一定的指导意义。
Based on the existing optical fiber coating technology,configuration of colloid palladium and time length of disperga-tion which are key influence parameters of coating uniformity were proposed in this paper.Due to the welding technology limitation of fiber and sensor substrate,electroplating connection technology between fiber and sensor substrate was studied on the basis of chemical plating improvement.Comparative study was carried out about direct electroplating connection technology of fiber and sub-strate and airway was selected as plating evaluation index.Best plating conditions were voltage was 3 V and time was 10 min after comparative study of electroplating air way.To obtain practical value of substrate galvanized grating,temperature calibration experi-ment was built up to study this grating temperature characteristic.Substrate galvanized grating can achieve high linearity,high sensi-tivity temperature measurement after experiment data analysis.Temperature sensitivity of this galvanized grating was 36.3 pm/℃, 3.7 times of bare grating.Radical departure of this research work is practical application of plating fiber and data in temperature sensitivity experiment verified that this work has certain guiding significance to realize industrialization development of electropla-ting fiber.
Instrument Technique and Sensor
optical fiber grating
chemical plating and electroplating
galvanized grating
temperature sensitivity