
蒙古栎叶中乙烯与松栎柱锈菌春孢子器成熟的关系 被引量:2

Relation between the Ethylene Content in Quercus mongolica Leaf and the Maturity of Cronartium guercuum Aecia
摘要 对大兴安岭樟子松瘤锈病(Cronartium quercuum)的调查和室内试验的结果表明:蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)叶子释放的乙烯,与松栎柱锈菌(Cronartium guercuum)春孢子器的成熟和春孢子萌发关系密切。春孢子器在有蒙古栎生长的林分可提前一周左右成熟。在10天生的蒙古栎叶汁(乙烯质量摩尔浓度193.596 nmol·g-1)+2%琼脂培养基上,春孢子萌发率最高,其次为5天生的蒙古栎叶汁(乙烯质量摩尔浓度993.168 nmol·g-1)+2%琼脂培养基,萌发率最低的是不加蒙古栎叶汁的对照。蒙古栎叶子发育到第5天,乙烯质量摩尔浓度最高,以后递减并趋于稳定。 By the field investigation and inside experiments, we studied the gall rust disease oi Cronartium quercuum in Daxing" an Mountains. There was close relation between the ethylene content in Quercus mongolica leaves and the maturity of C. guerc- uum aecia. The aecia matured earlier about one week in the forests with Q. mongolica than that without Q. mongolica. The aeciospores growing in 2% agar media with Q. mongolica leaf juice ( 10 d, ethylene of 193.596 nmol/g) reached the highest germination rate followed by that growing in 2% agar media with Q. mongolica leaf juice ( 5 d, ethylene of 993.168 nmol/g), and that growing in 2% agar media without Q. mongolica leaf juice had the lowest germination rate. Ethylene content of Q. mongolica leaf was the highest when they grew in the fifth day, and then decreased progressively until being stable.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期100-103,共4页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
关键词 蒙古栎 乙烯 松栎柱锈菌 春孢子器 Quercusmongolica Etl^ylene Cronartium'guercuum Aecia
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