

The Characteristics and Influence of Literature award Mechanism under the Background of Marketization on since the 90's
摘要 对于文学评奖机制的研究是伴随着文学评奖活动的文学影响、社会影响日益强大而来的。90年代以来的文学评奖,接续了全国优秀短篇小说的评奖活动,开展了各种类型的活动,并在文学生产机制由传统向新型过渡之际,依托以出版为中心的畅销书生产机制及以网络等新媒体为平台的新型生产机制,向多元化、多样化、立体化等方向发展。在文学的生产、流通、评介、接受的几个环节中,文学评奖决定着文学生产的评介价值与接受意义,90年代以来市场化背景下文学生产机制的市场化转型使文学评奖机制呈现出了新的特点,表现为读者文学活动主体性地位的凸显,民间文学奖与"官方"文学奖双星互耀格局的形成。而市场化背景下大众传媒的深度介入,使得文学评奖活动走向立体化,表现为网络与电视为文学评奖活动的信息发布提供双向渠道,而报纸、期刊等传统纸媒为文学评奖活动扮演组织传播的把关人角色。市场化背景下文学评奖活动对文学阅读和文学消费产生了新的较大的作用和影响,主要体现在引领新的阅读风尚和激励文学消费行为上,无论哪种影响,都能够促进文学的发展。 For the study the mechanism of literary awards is accompanied by literary awards event of literary influence, social influence is becoming more and more powerful and.Since the 90' s literature award continues the national excellent short story awards event, to carry out the activities of various types, and in the literary production mechanism from the traditional to the new transition, relying on to publication based and center of the best-selling book production mechanism to the Internet and other new media as platform of new production mechanism and to develop in the direction of diversification, diversification, stereoscopic.In literary production, circulation, review and accept several links, literature award determines the significance value for reviewing the literary production and acceptance, since the 1990s market under the background of literary production mechanism of market -oriented transformation mechanism of literary awards show feature, as readers of literary subjectivity highlighted, folk literature prize and " official" prize for literature binary mutual Yao pattern formation.And market under the background of mass media of the depth of involvement, the literary awards event to three-dlmensional, performance for television networks and for literary awards eveni information release provides two-way channels, and newspapers, periodicals and other traditional media for Literature Award activities play role of the organizational communication gatekeeper.Market under the background of literary awards event of literary reading and literary consumption produced new larger role and influence, is mainly reflected in the lead the new fashion of reading and motivation literature consumption behavior, regardless of what kind of influence to the promotion of literary development.
出处 《理论界》 2015年第9期133-140,共8页 Theory Horizon
关键词 90年代以来 市场化背景 文学评奖机制 特点 影响 since the 90's marketizatlon literature award mechanism characteristics influence
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