热休克蛋白(heat shock protein,HSP)是在生物中广泛存在的一类热应激蛋白质,当细胞处于应激条件时(如热休克、病原体感染、组织损伤、生理逆境等)其表达量明显提高。HSP60是热休克蛋白的重要家族之一,可以被各种刺激所诱导而产生,并可以被应激或坏死的细胞所释放,其在抗感染、自身免疫、衰老以及凋亡中都发挥重要的作用。新近的研究发现,HSP60参与多种眼部疾病的发病过程,本文就HSP60在眼部疾病过程中的作用及分子机制进行综述。
Heat shock protein ( HSP) is a kind of heat stress protein that widely exists in organism. Its expression will be significantly increased if the cells are under stress conditions ( such as heat shock, pathogen infection, tissue injury, physiological stress, etc. ) . HSP60 is one of the families of HSPs, which can be induced by various stimuli, and may be released by stress or necrotic cells. HSP60 could play an important role in anti-infection, autoimmune, aging and apoptosis. The latest researches showed that HSP60 involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of eye diseases. Therefore, the effect and of HSP60 on the eyes and its molecular mechanism in related disease processes were reviewed in this study.
International Eye Science