There has been a problem existing in a military academy library, that is, the problem of new books piling up to a great extent that they cannot be gathered and edited in time because of a sharp increase in the number of newly-purchased books. The most effective way to solve this problem is to contract the gathering-and-editing services out. As a result, readers need not wait for a long period to read them. Taking the NUE (Naval University of Engineering) library contracting its gathering-and-editing services out in recent years for example, this paper analyzes different modes of contracting the services out and chose a mode more suitable for a military academy library to contract part of its gathering-and-editing services out- the mode of long-distance book catalogue and processing. It is concluded that this kind of partial contracting-out mode is most appropriate to the military academy libraries. The operating methods of this mode are introduced in details in this paper.
Journal of Naval University of Engineering(Comprehensive Edition)
military academy library
gathering-and-editing services
contracting-out mode