
大学英语进阶模块教学与测试研究 被引量:1

Teaching and testing of College English through learning progressing modules
摘要 着眼于应用型普通高校非英语专业学生不同阶段的学习特性,遵从教育规律,运用科学的教育理念和先进的教学手段,进行大学英语课程进阶模块教学实践,并依此教学理念,进行教、学、管等多维度网络式测试体系研究。随着本模式在武昌工学院的大学英语课程教学中的应用,以及该校对相关政策与措施的不断更新与完善,大学英语课程质量显著提高,教学效果更加符合快速发展的经济社会对人才培养的要求,学生的英语学习积极性明显提高,加强自身英语语言应用能力意识和与国际接轨的职业竞争意识均得到极大增强,同时提升了学生的人文素养。 From the perspective of learning characteristics of non-English majors in different stages, this study discusses the teaching and testing of college English course through learning progressions by scientific educational concepts and advanced teaching methods. After applying the teaching modules in Wuchang Institute of Technology, the students learn English language much more actively. Their awareness of mastering the English language pragmatically and professional challenging in modern world has been enhanced.
出处 《海军工程大学学报(综合版)》 2015年第3期94-96,共3页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering(Comprehensive Edition)
基金 湖北省教育科学规划研究项目(2012B196)
关键词 大学英语 进阶模块 教学实践 评测体系 college English progressing modules teaching practice testing system
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