

One case of low temperature plasma resection in the neonatal congenital cyst of tongue
摘要 患儿,男,25d,因喉鸣伴进行性吞咽困难10余天入院,患儿系第一胎第一产,足月顺产,出生体重3 000g,无窒息史,生后10d后出现喉鸣,伴有吃奶时吞咽困难,无咳喘、发热。门诊行电子喉镜检查示:舌根肿物:(囊肿?),遂于2015年3月23日收入我院。查体:体温37.2℃,脉搏145次/min,呼吸45次/min,哭声低,反应中等,咽部无明显充血,下咽部、喉部未能窥及,呼吸稍促,口周无发绀,三凹征(+),双肺听诊呼吸音粗,可闻及喉鸣传导音,心音有力,心率145次/min,律齐,无杂音。 Summary Our department treated one case of neonatal congenital cyst of tongue in March 23, 2015. The clinical manifestation of the case is mainly laryngeal stridor after birth 10d, and when infants were associated with progressive dysphagia. Eleetrolaryngoscope examination showed the goitre look like the cyst of tongue. Laryngeal CT scanning showed tongue lesions, consider the possibility of large cyst. Bilateral thyroid gland showed good, and no obvious abnormality was found in the cervical ultrasonography. The children was transferred to the ear- nose-throat department for excision of cyst of tongue by low-temperature plasma knife, and postoperative patholo- gy confirmed the diagnosis of cyst of tongue.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第18期1659-1660,共2页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 先天性舌根囊肿 微创手术 低温等离子 congenital cyst of tongue minimally invasive surgery low temperature plasma
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