1Donald F.Tovery,Essays in Musical Analysis:Chamber Music.London,P.36.
2Frederick Neumann, "Bach: Progressive or Conservative and the Authorship of the Goldberg Aria,"The Musical Quarterly 71(1985),P. 281.P.290.PP.291-292.PP.293-294.PP.294.
3Robert L. Marshall,The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach : The Sources, the Style, the Significance.New York,1989,P. 52.P.48.P.50.
4Don O. . Franklin. Bach Studied. Cambridge University Pressm, 2008.
5Wolff, Christoph ed. . Bach--Essays on His Life and Music. Harvard University Press, 1992. 380.
6Leon B. Plantinga. Schumann as Sritic. Da Capo Press, 1976.87.
7Carl Dahlhaus. Nineteenth Century Music, Cambridge U- niversity Press, 2001.31.
8Richard Taruskin. Oa.ford History of Western Music, Oxford University Press, 2005.
9ohann Nikolaus Forkel. Johann Sebastian Bach. His life ,Art, and Work. Notes and appendices by Charles San- ford Terry, Da Capo Press, 1970. perface.
10ohann Nikolaus Forkel. Johann Sebastian Bach. His life ,Art, and Work. Notes and appendices by Charles San- ford Terry, Da Capo Press, 1970.11.