以黑龙江孟家岗地区长白落叶松为研究对象,对不同大小林隙内胸径、树高、材积的生长情况以及林隙间伐前后的生长情况进行对比分析,结果表明:胸径和材积都表现为10 m×10 m林隙的生长速度最快,5 m×5 m的林隙次之,7 m×7 m林隙的生长速度最慢;间伐前后和不同大小林隙的胸径差异都显著,间伐前后的树高差异不显著,不同大小的林隙树高差异显著,间伐前后和不同大小林隙的材积差异也都显著;10 m×10 m是最利于林木生长的林隙大小。
As the research object of Larix olgensis in Mengjiagang of I4eilongjiang Province,. the growth conditions of diameter, tree height and volume in different size gap, before and after the thinning were analyzed, the results showed that DBH and volume are characterized by 10 m ×10 m gap growing fastest, 5 m × 5 m predominated second, 7 m× 7 m grows the slowest; diameter of before and after thinning and different sizes gap are significant, tree height of before and after thinning is no significant, tree height of different sizes gap is significant, volume of before and after thinning and different sizes gap are significant; 10 m × 10 m is the most conducive to the growth of the trees gap size.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences