
中国自然观察2014:一份关于中国生物多样性保护的独立报告 被引量:10

China Nature Watch 2014: an independent report on China's biodiversity conservation status
摘要 《中国自然观察2014》是一份针对中国生物多样性保护状况的研究报告,由山水自然保护中心、中国观鸟组织联合行动平台和北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心联合发布。这份观察报告依据的是上述机构多年积累和公开发布的数据,尝试从独立视角给公众和决策者解读和勾绘出最近十多年来中国自然生态的变化图景。报告的主要内容包括基于遥感数据对我国2000–2013年森林变化情况的解读;中国最受关注的濒危物种分布格局和保护与研究现状;以及自然保护区对濒危物种和森林的保护状况。研究还发现,我国重点保护物种名录未能及时覆盖我国的濒危物种,亟需更新;民间的自然观察填补了物种的分布和数量的大量空白,是物种和生态系统基本信息收集和保护成效监督监测的可靠力量;在保护区难以覆盖的地区,特别是东部人口密集地区,以当地居民和公众参与为主体的保护小区可能是一个有效的保护途径;信息公开和长期的生态系统及物种研究与监测都迫在眉睫。 China Nature Watch 2014 is an independent report on the status of China's biodiversity conservation over the past decade, based on data accumulated by the Center for Nature and Society of Peking University, the Shanshui Conservation Center and the China Bird Watching Society Networks and on data obtained from the public domain. The report included trends of forest cover from 2000 to 2013 based on an interpretation of Global Forest Watch dataset; the distribution pattern, conservation and research on the most concerned endangered species; and the coverage of protected areas with respect to endangered species and forests. Re- search also revealed that information collected by citizen scientists filled significant gaps in species baseline data. Small protected areas managed by local residents could be an effective alternative to meet the conserva- tion needs of endangered species in populated eastem China. Long-term ecological research and monitoring, and information transparency are urgently needed for biodiversity conservation in China.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期570-574,共5页 Biodiversity Science
基金 山水自然保护中心的资金支持
关键词 生物多样性 物种 森林 自然保护区 保护政策 公众参与 biodiversity, species, forest, nature reserve, conservation policy, public participation
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