The term lois de police first appeared in Art. 3 paragraph 1 of French Civil Code (1804), but the systematic theory was completed only in the mid-20th century by Francescakis. He replaced the expression "lois d'application immediate" with "lois de police" to emphasize the importance of such norms in safeguarding a country' s political, social and eco- nomic operations and the need for their application outside the scope of conflict rules. The theo- ry of lois de police has changed the traditional practice of French private international law, great- ly promoted the establishment of relevant institutions at the EU level, and gradually been incor- porated into unified legislations. The recent French judicial practice has not only developed the theory of application of lois de police, but also taken into consideration lois de police d' un pays tiers for the first time. Such theory and practice of French lois de police are also beneficial to the interpretation and perfection of the institution of direct application of mandatory rules defined by Art. 4 of the Act on the Application of Law and Art. 10 of the Interpretation I of the Act on the Application of Law.
Global Law Review