目的 研究妇科恶性肿瘤的诊治情况。方法 我院选择2013年7月-2015年7月诊治的50例妇科恶性肿瘤患者,对其诊治情况进行分析。结果 所选的50例患者中,在本院接受放化疗及手术治疗的有43例,其中5例转院,2例放弃治疗。转院的5例患者平均年龄在(46.2±3.1)岁,其中内膜癌和卵巢癌患者的年龄超过60岁。结论 随着妇科肿瘤发病率的逐渐增加,而且向着年轻化方向发展,需要妇科肿瘤医师对肿瘤整个过程进行关注,加强各级预防措施,掌握肿瘤临床中提出的新观点和新理念,用于指导临床工作,提升医疗质量。
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological malignant tumor. Methods 50 cases of gynecologic malignant tumor patients treated in our hospital from July2013 to July 2015 were analyzed. Results Selected 50 cases of patients,in the hospital received radiotherapy,chemotherapy and surgery in the treatment of 43 cases,of which 5 were transferred,2 cases gave up treatment. The average age of the 5 patients in the hospital(46.2±3.1)years old, the patients with endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer over the age of 60. Conclusion With the gradual increase in the incidence of gynecological cancer, and the development of the younger,the need for gynecological tumor physicians to focus on the whole process of tumor,strengthen prevention measures at al levels,to grasp the new ideas and new ideas presented in clinical practice,to guide clinical work,improve medical quality.
China Health Standard Management
Gynecologic malignant tumor
Clinical diagnosis and treatment